Our Solutions

Our tailored solutions are designed to increase revenue and boost productivity – two crucial drivers of success for any organisation.

We operate in 3 specialist practice areas to support your business:

Unlocking Untapped

Unlocking Untapped

Unlocking Untapped

What is the common thread between all our solutions? Rapid, sustained behaviour change.
We change the way people work –in the crucial areas of productivity and revenue growth.
The key to sustaining meaningful positive behaviour change often lies in bridging the
knowing-doing gap”.

The Knowing-Doing Gap

We all know the frustration. You want to eat healthier, so you know you should grab an apple instead of a cookie. But when decision time comes, you cave in and reach for the cookie once again.

This is the knowing-doing gap in action. There is a disconnect between what we know we should do and what we actually end up doing.

The same dynamic plays out in organisations every day. You roll out a new initiative and communicate the desired changes. Your team knows what they should do, but ingrained habits and cultural barriers stand in the way of execution.

SNH understand this paradox, and we specialise in bridging the ‘Knowing-Doing Gap’. Our proven approach provides the missing link – removing barriers to success and empowering your team with the tools to actually achieve the behavioural changes you've been seeking.

This knowing-doing disconnect leads to an endless loop of failed change efforts. And it leaves you stuck wondering why progress remains elusive. We get to the heart of what stops individuals and teams from applying their knowledge and help you achieve the performance you know you are capable of.

Imagine if all your employees could swiftly adopt the behaviours of the most productive and highest performers.
How much more could you achieve? 

You might be wondering how we measure success? We capture feedback throughout our programmes and provide a documented Return On Investment summary report outlining the impact of sustained behavioural changes and how a modest investment pays back tenfold.
